It’s simple to compare apples to apples with some products. For example, the same Toyota Camry, identically configured at two competing dealerships is a safe bet to compare prices. The two vehicles were manufactured by the same people at the same plant in exactly the same manner and were possibly even delivered to the two […]

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Egnyte Provides Cloud Server Options for Certified Contractors Certified contractors as your business grows so does your company database and the number of employees that need to access your company database. If you are like most replacement contractors over the years you have gone from using one or two older desktop computers that were replaced […]

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Do Not Hire the Wrong Contractor – Hire a Certified Contractor We all have heard the stories, from family members, from the neighbors, from your brother-in-law how so and so hired the wrong contractor and their roofing project went sideways. Sure they thought they were getting a great deal, but then the problems started. The […]

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Successful Certified Contractors Break the Habit of Excuses and Denial You just attended your organization’s big conference, where you spent three days networking with other replacement contractors, who, in your mind are much more successful than you. You listened to certified contractors talking about all the great things they are doing in their contracting companies, […]

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Last Call!

Don’t get too excited, I don’t mean last call for happy hour! But, it is last call for Owners Summit registration! Looking for ways to make more money? Of course you are, who isn’t? Look no further than at our very own Owners Summit Event! Coming up April 27th-29th in St. Louis, MO. As entrepreneurs, […]

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You had the perfect hiding place. During the holidays, your train set took up half of the floor and shouts of “all aboard,” rang throughout the house. There was this old, musty smell that you learned to love and it became part of the ambiance. Dusty boxes took up each corner and tattered wallpaper barely […]

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Often times, contractors are too busy to truly network with other industry professionals. Being busy is a great problem to have, but not being able to network creates a new problem: not growing. If you’re not growing you’re not going anywhere. The best part of business networking is being able to speak with the same […]

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Would you like to close more deals? Would you like to make it easy on your customers to pay for their home improvements? Of course you would, what contractor wouldn’t? Say hello to progressive financing. Don’t let your business suffer and allow yourself to lose out on any more jobs. Many contractors can’t offer financing […]

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You only have one chance to make a first (and lasting) impression — so how do you make it unforgettable? The construction industry, for years, has always been viewed as a non-professional, dirty, and untrustworthy profession, but not anymore! I don’t know what happened to create that stereotype, but it’s a stigma that’s been hard […]

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Is your office staff ready to desert you? Are you pulling your hair out trying to keep your customers happy and your staff moving in the same direction, while still keeping the lights on? It’s tough and we definitely understand. We’ve been through it before and have found some proven solutions for getting and keeping […]

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