After nearly 20 years in business with contractors, we’ve learned a thing or two. From roofing to electrical work, it’s the goal of Certified Contracts Network to educate and equip you and to do that well. So, today on the blog, that’s what we are doing. Literally. Below is our toolbelt must-haves for every successful […]

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We are constantly meeting new members who operate a family owned business. This presents a unique management scenario. If business is slow, are family dinners stressful and tense? Maybe you find yourself struggling to lead the business into a new era while your elders seems stuck in the good old days? Family is tough enough […]

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Is your company’s profit stagnant? If so, one of the best ways to overcome a profit plateau is smart budgeting. Consistently calculating your gross profit keeps your company on track, financially. You’ll be surprised how a little bit of intentionality can go a long way! Budgeting can be intimidating. Most contractors we meet have stumbled […]

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According to the National Safety Council, “in 2011, ladders were the source of 5,280 nonfatal, occupational injuries and illnesses, involving days away from work in the construction industry.” That is a staggering number! I think we all understand that accidents cost more than just money. Accidents affect your time and your entire team. I can […]

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There’s a wise, old adage for business at home that says, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Turns out, same rules apply for your out-of-home business. (Minus the Mama part, that is.) “If your employees ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Every business and business owner wants a larger profit. What if treating your employees […]

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In the sales profession, just like any other profession, there are the Good, the Better and the Best types of salespeople. What’s the “Sales Success” difference between the “Good Salesperson” and the “Best Salesperson”? The difference comes down to their attitude, their discipline and their skill set. This article is Part 1 of 2 articles […]

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Make Your Roof Replacement Project a Successful Investment The majority of homeowners today see few benefits to a roof replacement and they really don’t want replace their roof unless they absolutely have too. However, once a homeowner decides it is time to replace the roof on their home, they have some tough choices to make. […]

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Fathers Day is a Time of Reflection and Self Evaluation As Father’s Day comes and goes for another year, like most fathers, I take time and reflect on how I am doing in my role as a Father. You see I have three great kids, two are adults now and my youngest is 16 years […]

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As a professional salesperson working for a certified contractor in today’s new economy, this is a vitally important concept to understand. You see, in today’s “buyers” market the power has returned to the customer and they know it. Customers today demand value and they have a low tolerance for anything ordinary – ordinary products, services, […]

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The Secret to Becoming a Highly Paid Salesman Great, you just got hired as a salesman for the top Certified Replacement Contractor in your area. You’re excited and eager to learn this new trade and ready to start the training program. As you talk with the Sales Manager you find out that your training is […]

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