It’s spring! Celebrate the season with a fresh, clean start to all-things related to homeownership. Then, sit back and relax on the porch and watch the colorful tulips, mint, and maple leaves grow. All while knowing that in and around your house is clean and hazard-free! As a homeowner, it’s easy to become overwhelmed as […]

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If the recent recession has taught us anything, it’s that selling as much as possible, to as many customers as possible, is not a sustainable profit. What really increases a company’s profit margin is focusing on their best customers, products, and services as well as meeting profit targets and building a strong-steady customer base. So, […]

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Fact: most small business owners don’t have a budget. That’s a big problem. At the first Certified Contractors Network meeting I ever attended I literally felt like the dumbest guy in the room. Why? Because I was one of the thousands of small business owners that was operating without a budget for my business. Now […]

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Is your home photogenic? If you’re looking to sell, it should be. An increasing amount of people are researching homes online prior to attending an open house. Online real estate giants like Zillow and Trulia now allow potential buyers to research home estimates, neighborhoods stats, and other public records, all from the comfort of the […]

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Fact: A company budget is a detailed analytic representation of how and when a company expects to spend money, within a specific time period. It’s crucial to know exactly where your money is going, and what it’s going to. It’s safe to say that in business, you have to spend money to make money. But […]

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Time is money. If you, as a contractor, aren’t spending time on home renovation projects, you also aren’t going to be bringing in any money. It’s as simple as that. So, the question then becomes, how are you most likely to beat out the competition? What makes a homeowner more likely to choose you over […]

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If you’re looking to finance your home improvement project or renovation, you’re certainly not alone. It’s estimated that over 75 percent of home improvement projects, over $2,500, are financed in some capacity. So, while there are plenty of lenders out there, choosing the right lender can prove to be a bit more difficult. Below are […]

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Up to 75 percent of home improvement projects, over $2,500, are financed. Over 50 percent of home improvements, of $5,000 or more, are financed. What does that mean for you, as a contractor? If you want to appeal to 75 percent of homeowners that are doing home improvement projects, you better be offering a financing […]

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The Pareto Principle or 80/20 rule basically states that eighty percent of your energy or resources will be directed at twenty percent of your customers. Here’s the rub: What if eighty percent of your energy is going toward making twenty percent of your most difficult clients happy? It is really worth your time? What if […]

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When I was just starting out, I felt a certain pressure to go after every single job out there. I wanted to build a name for myself. I wanted people to see the value in what I had to offer. I guess we all want that. I guess I still want that. Certified Contractors Network […]

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