It’s a no brainer when we say, “more sales = more profit”. What is less obvious, however, is the way we go about turning those leads into a direct sale. Countless contractors have shared their stories with us, and they all run into the same issue. A great product is offered–partnered with a competitive price, […]

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If you find yourself frustrated by your office culture, the problem could be you rather than them. Office attitudes are a reflection of office leadership, stemming from the top down. The best business managers have a radical approach to the workplace and to their employees. They foster a community that cares, works hard, and creates. […]

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Employee Relations 101

You’re busy. There are teams to supervise, jobs to find, payments to follow-up with, employees to hire, and so much more. We get it. However, as a business owner, there are certain to-dos with which you cannot slack. The first rule of employee relations and human resources is one of them: documentation, documentation, documentation. (Did […]

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People are your company’s most valuable asset. Even if you know this to be true, finding the best of the best can be a challenge. Still, it’s worth it. Waiting for the right employee over an employee could potentially save you thousands of dollars on time, energy, and investment! So today, we’re sharing one of […]

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We’ve talked (blogged) recently about our financing promise. Today, let’s talk about the way our same as cash financing works to help you build a better business. First of all, it guarantees payment for all your hard work. What’s better than that? It also increases your average job size. And, maybe the best advantage: offering […]

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The truth is, there is no magic pill that will instantly make you smarter, more business savvy, or more handsome. We wish. But we have found this: a successful contracting business must be well connected, well informed, and willing to learn from the experience of the other. Contractors Network, Network, Network So, maybe the better […]

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Has your business as a contractor come to a crossroad? Are you in need of a re-BOOT? Now is the time to take advantage of one of our Boot Camps and kick start your career as a contractor! Have you been wondering why your competitors are successful and you’re not? Well, we can’t tell you […]

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No business owner is looking to keep company revenue at a stand still though, for many contractors, it’s an all too familiar story. In order for a business’s annual revenue to be boosted, sales must be boosted. Read below for a compilation of some of our best tips and tricks to turn a lead into […]

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