In the rapidly evolving landscape of the home improvement industry, the importance of continuous learning and development cannot be overstated. Adult education, characterized by targeted training programs designed to enhance employees’ skills and knowledge, plays a pivotal role in maintaining a competitive edge. This article will familiarize you with the science of learning, emphasizing the need for constant repetition and ongoing practice to achieve unconscious competence and attain a “best in class” status in one’s role within our industry. It underscores the importance of embracing Certified Contractors Network’s (CCN) best-in-class training and coaching to ensure every member of your team can become a top performer in your company. 

Top performers work directly with trainers and coaches on a regular and ongoing basis. As an example, look at professional athletes who are the “best of the best” at their sport.  They all have one thing in common. They rely on daily coaching, training and repetition to stay sharp and be at their best. If you want to be the best at what you do, you need to embrace a mindset of making continuous coaching and training from professionals a high priority, just as Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, Lionel Messi, Cal Ripken and so many other Hall of Fame athletes did over their careers.  It’s the same for all of us in Home Improvement. The only difference is that our sport is the home improvement contracting business and each employee is a position player on your team. We are playing to win, and our team is only as strong as our weakest link. 

I spent 11 years in academia as a clinical professor of business and 4 of those years as associate dean of the business school at the University of Maryland. This hiatus from being a business operator taught me a great deal about how people learn. Presiding over academic programs put me in a position to acquire valuable knowledge about the science of learning and I would like to share that with you.

The Science of Learning

Cognitive Learning Theory:

Cognitive learning theory suggests that learning involves acquiring knowledge and transforming it into practice. It emphasizes the role of mental processes such as thinking, memory, knowing, and problem-solving. According to this theory, learning is not merely a change in behavior but involves understanding and organizing experiences.  

The Role of Neuroplasticity:

Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, is central to understanding adult learning. This capability enables the brain to adapt to new experiences, learn new information, and acquire new skills. However, repetition and practice are essential elements in reinforcing these neural pathways, making learning more efficient and significantly more effective.

The Importance of Constant Repetition

Reinforcement and Retention:

Repetition is a fundamental principle of effective learning. It reinforces neural pathways, facilitating the transition of information from short-term to long-term memory. Without continuous repetition of training and coaching, information is likely to be forgotten, or morphs into an unhealthy deviation from a learned best practice. 

Hermann Ebbinghaus was a German psychologist who pioneered the development of experimental methods for the measurement of repetition learning and memory. His research confirmed how quickly we forget new information unless it is reviewed and practiced regularly. By consistently revisiting material, learners can combat this natural decline in retention or deviation from a proven process.  This is why CCN’s Diamond membership offers a solution that enables every member of your team to have coaches and trainers work with them on a regular and ongoing basis through unlimited courses, training, and roundtables included with membership, enabling members of your team to stay sharp and be at the top of their game.  

Building Automaticity:

Automaticity refers to the ability to properly perform tasks effortlessly and without conscious thought. Achieving automaticity is crucial for high performance in any industry, and the home improvement industry is no different. Repetition is the key to building this automaticity. Through repeated learning and practice, proper actions become second nature, freeing cognitive resources for more complex tasks. This is particularly important in business settings, where efficiency and accuracy are paramount to your success.

Unconscious Competence and the Four Stages of Learning

The four stages of learning model describes the progression from incompetence to mastery:

  1. Unconscious Incompetence: The learner is unaware of their lack of skill.
  2. Conscious Incompetence: The learner becomes aware of their deficiency.
  3. Conscious Competence: The learner acquires the skill but must consciously think about it.
  4. Unconscious Competence: The skill becomes second nature and can be performed effortlessly.

Reaching this critically important stage of unconscious competence requires sustained effort, repeated practice, and reinforcement. CCN’s Diamond Membership enables and supports this effort. This stage is critical for achieving high levels of performance and reliability in every role of a home improvement contracting company.

The Role of Ongoing Practice and Coaching

Continuous Improvement:

In a business environment, resting on one’s laurels is not an option. Ongoing practice ensures that skills remain sharp and relevant. The concept of continuous improvement, or Kaizen, emphasizes small, incremental changes that collectively enhance performance over time. Regular training sessions, bootcamps, workshops, the collective thinking in roundtables and masterminds, and refresher courses are essential in fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This is why CCN offers an incredible solution to our industry.

The Importance of Coaching:

Coaching provides personalized guidance and feedback, crucial for refining skills and overcoming specific challenges. An accomplished coach and trainer can identify areas for improvement, offer tailored strategies, and provide the motivation needed to persevere through difficult learning phases. The coach-learner relationship is pivotal in transforming conscious competence into unconscious competence. With CCN membership, you have coaches with various specialties available to your team as needed through our Contractor Help Desk. This is invaluable to your business.

Creating a Learning Organization:

Peter Senge is known for his work on learning organizations and systems thinking. He is the founding chairperson of the Society of Organizational learning at MIT. Senge’s concept of the learning organization highlights the importance of fostering an environment where continuous learning is encouraged. In such organizations, employees are motivated to acquire new skills and knowledge, leading to innovation and adaptability. This culture is nurtured through ongoing and repetitive training and the support of mentors and coaches.  CCN takes care of that for your company.

An Example

CCN’s 5P Sales Training

CCN’s 5P methodology is a proven sales process. In sales, the ability to present a product or service, properly handle objections, and close deals requires not only knowledge but also practiced skill. Regular 5P sales training sessions, role-playing exercises, and feedback from experienced trainers and coaches help sales reps refine their techniques. Over time, these repeated practices lead to unconscious competence, where sales techniques become instinctive.

Now imagine also embracing regular training and coaching in sales management, marketing, production, operations and administration and finance.  The goal here is to have every position player on your team receiving ongoing training and coaching to become a best-in-class performer.


The science of learning underscores the critical importance of constant repetition and ongoing practice in adult business education. Achieving unconscious competence and becoming “best in class” necessitates a structured approach to learning that includes regular reinforcement and personalized coaching. By embracing these principles, organizations can cultivate a workforce that is not only highly skilled but also adaptable and ready to meet the challenges of an ever-changing business landscape.  

If you are a current CCN member, be sure to take advantage of frequent, ongoing training for the members of your team so they can be at their best. With CCN’s Diamond Membership, every member of your team can participate in unlimited training, coaching, bootcamps and roundtables throughout the year.  

If you are not currently working with CCN, you can become a Diamond member and unlock unlimited training and coaching for members of your team throughout the year for less than half the cost of an entry level employee.  We add a team of seasoned industry coaches and trainers to your company who will raise the bar on team performance and help you scale your revenue and profits.