You know your business inside and out. You help make decisions on a daily basis. And you probably already know it’s time to grow the business. But how exactly is that done? Summer is here and you’re extremely busy with ongoing and upcoming jobs.

How about the jobs you’re trying to close? Are they closing at a rate you’re happy with? If you’re failing to close more jobs due to lack of financing, you’ve come to the right place.

Our program offering same as cash financing for contractors not only sets you up for success, it also ensures you have a guaranteed payment for the job. And everyone likes getting paid, right?

Close more jobs, make more money. It sounds so simple and it can be simpler with our same as cash financing.

Same as Cash Financing for Contractors

Every business has to invest money to make money. Sometimes you invest in the wrong things. By investing more into your customers, you will see a bigger return. How do you do that? By offering them financing they can’t say no to.

Real ROI

  • If your customer has no money to pay for their project, but they take your 180-day same as cash financing, on average, 50-60% of them will apply.
  • 11 out of 12 of those applications will typically get approved.
  • 10 of those customer choose our same as cash financing for contractors program.

These numbers are based on contractors who offer same as cash financing to EVERY customer, so make sure to get the best bang for your buck.

You will see a dramatic increase in your ROI with more customers being approved. More approvals mean more projects!

Invest with the best and apply below.

Building the best,
